Many of us fuckers didn't have time to listen to the show and only visited the forum, it was my FAVORITE website. Barry the fucker STOLE it from us. He gave no warning and only offered a LAME excuse for taking it down. Any decent human being and webmaster would offer their site regulars a DECENT explanation, a sincere APOLOGY, and a viable ALTERNATIVE.
Barry, I want my APOLOGY on the show, make it SINCERE and I want you to tell your audience, many of which were forum members and lurkers, about this forum, PUAHATE.COM motherfucker. We're got 50 members here now fucker, 50 members who were regulars at the old forum, members that helped you moderate the forum, appear on your show, help out behind the scenes, donate money, buy your products, etc. Obviously we want a place to get together if we're all regrouping here. We've only been up for a few days and already we have quality posts, the vibe's awesome. The only reason we don't have more members is because YOU'RE being a CUNT and not telling all the listeners about this place and not advertising it on your site.
You've INCONVENIENCED all of us. Your reasons for taking down the old forum were ENTIRELY SELFISH, you're only thinking of YOURSELF. You took the forum down because of what? Racism? What the fuck? You're the most RACIST CUNT here. You douched on,, jews,, etc on your show. You had an entire bonus show dedicated to douching on! You're avatar at the old forum was a starving African child! Look in the fucking mirror you Caucasian, racist, KKK, nazi HYPOCRITE fucker.
I expect to see a BANNER on your website linking to this forum, I also DEMAND a WRITTEN APOLOGY signed in BLOOD AND TEARS BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS. I expect an entire 2 hour show where you explain what a fucking racist hypocrite you are and that you were selfish taking down the forum, and that listeners can go to PUAHATE.COM as an alternative and it won't be censored like the old forum because Nicholoaus isn't a PUSSY like you are.
And I expect you to do this shit NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I might go to Canada next year, can I please crash at your place for a few days? Thanks.